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If you have a Brighton & Hove event, product or service you think we should know about we’d love to hear from you. The best way of getting in contact is via email so we can pass the information onto the most suitable writer. We get a huge amount of emails so bear with us. Please note we only write about things that are happening in the city.

If you’re interested in advertising on this website please get in touch. Prices start from £110 for an online ad. For more information see our Advertise page.

If you’d like to contribute to SOURCE – be it with words, pictures or web skills – then drop us a line. But first, go have a look at our Contribute page.

Want to be kept in the loop about what’s happening in the city? Sign up to our mailing list for monthly updates on all the top gigs and events in Brighton and get the best bits of the SOURCE site sent straight to your inbox.

Brighton Source was a printed magazine for 16 years until 2014. Most of the more recent content will have made it onto the website, but if you’d like to see some back issues there’s an archive of the magazine here.

Contact - Brighton Source