Being ginger can be a really strong look if you know how to dress for it. Basically wearing the spectrum opposite – blue – looks great, especially if you can persuade your hot girlfriend to get on board too. Of course that makes her the ultimate fashion accessory. Or maybe you’re the accessory. Maybe she’s picked you because she’s drawn to blue clothes. Christ they’re good, these women. No wonder they dress so much better than Brighton boys.
Cardigan, second hand from The Lanes
“It was very cheap. I like the size of it. The baggy look is coming in right now.”
Pendant from Primark
“It’s very girly which is a nice contrast to my quite dark outfit.”
Trainers from Primark
They’re quite unique because they’re glittery. They’re quite eye catching.
Headband, homemade
“I bought the material and made it myself. I like the check pattern.”
T-shirt from Topman
“I like the colours. I didn’t realise about the strange neck when I bought it but I like it now.”
Jeans by Cheap Mondays
“They’re quite soft. That’s all I’ve got to say on them.”
Trainers from “some cheap shop in Cornwall”
“They were only £20. I like the colour.”