The other day we went to see Public Image Ltd play at the Concorde, which was absolutely astounding. But halfway through the gig someone whipped out a camera and started videoing a song. Not a problem, except that the camera was in front of our face. So we came home and wrote an editor’s letter about how people shouldn’t film at gigs, mainly cos they’re missing the fun of actually being there. As well meant as it was, at the last minute we spiked it (you can read it here) for fear of being patronising.
While worrying about the article’s tone we went to see The Wedding Present, again at the Concorde, and again brilliant. Not many cameras there but the 40-year-olds in the moshpit were going crazy to songs of heartbreak and despair. Was that right? We weren’t sure. But we thought that we should make a list of what should and shouldn’t be allowed at gigs. Or more to the point SOURCE readers should. So we want you to email the biggest gig-going sins to [email protected] and we’ll write a charter.
What are the rules on talking? Is it OK to bring four beers back from the bar to your mates down the front? Where should tall people stand? Let us know and we’ll draft up a version for debate on Facebook and Twitter and put the ratified version in the magazine.
For Twitter message @brightonSOURCE with the hashtag #SOURCEgigcharter
The Facebook post is at the top of our Facebook page