“She is young, but the most stylish person I have spotted in such a long time,” exclaimed our fashion documenter. “The details in her outfit are sublime – check the metal iron man earring, the feathers and ribbons in the hair, with the delicate retro netting hat, cheekily juxtaposed with the super casual converse trainers and pop socks. Accessory heaven.”
Absolutely, we couldn’t have put it better from our ivory tower in the office – although we would have probably have overused the word ‘cute’. Any hat that gets you chatted up five times in a day speaks for itself, but we love the way Freya Rose has sourced/stolen so much of outfit from her family. Any anyone who can make an accessory out of a dress catcher – and pull it off – deserves her photo in every magazine on the planet. Cheeky and sophisticated.
Hat from vintage shop in London“It’s a seductive, secret hat. I got chatted up five times in a day wearing it, which was great fun.”
Earring from the street“The metal man is from my sister. I think she got it on the street – a street person was making them.”
Hair decorations“I love putting things in my hair. I’ve always got ribbons in my hair cos ribbons are so beautiful. I also cut a bit off a dream catcher and put it in my hair.”
Top from mother“It’s my mum’s from when she was a teenager. It’s a bit too big but it looks fine under things. I knick loads of clothes off her.”
Dress from H&M“I love the schoolgirl look and how the dress goes in at the waist. It’s really conformable too – the most important thing.”
Socks from H&M Kids“They’re little girls socks but they’re so cute. I never got to wear them at primary school so I wear them now.”